Well 2 weeks after Jaxen turned 9 months we had his doctor appt.. Their office is always so busy, but it's ok because his Doctor is just amazing and I just love her!
This past month Jaxenhas been waking up maybe 4 times a week to eat in the middle of the night.. Making me one tired momma. Friends have suggested the cry out method, which hasn't worked since he'd just keep crying and crying and crying. So I'd give him a bottle and he'd go back to bed. Jaxen had me spoiled from 2 1/2 months with sleeping through out the night.. every. single. night. Now I just don't know what to do. So his doctor told me to stop the middle of the night feeding, just pat his back, rock him, or give him water. So tonight we will try it out! And we get to start giving him table food!
And now I have to brag on my baby!!
Weighing 21.2 lbs (71%) 29.75" long (90%) and 18" head (66%).. We are starting to WALK!!! Taking as many as 6 steps at a time. Pushing our walker all around the house. Saying "dada" all the time and mumbling "momma". Clapping all the time, starting to wave by, picking up handfuls of food and shoving it in his mouth (its quiet funny) Crying for mommy when dropping him off at daycare. Completely standing up on our own, I mean going from sitting on his bottom to standing up. Will try to jump off me when sitting on my lap. Laughing for mommy now and not just daddy. Knows the word "no" and thinks it's funny!
He's just so amazing, I couldn't have been blessed anymore!
I love you buddy!
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