Saturday, September 20, 2014

Maintaining Friendships Post Baby

The last time I blogged about something personal seems like so long ago. Everything is about Jaxen now and I'm kind of ok with that. Of course I get in some 'me time' every now and then, but it's mostly about that little boy whom I love so much.

I some what talked about the subject I'm going to touch on when I first started blogging about my pregnancy.. About how you find who your real friends are. Well today beautiful people, I'd like to touch on it a little bit more.

When you're a teenager everything is here and now. If it aint happenin now, we ain't happy. We have to see our friends every second of every day.. And I did. I saw my best friend in the morning when I'd pick her up for school, I'd see my best friends at lunch, after school at work, and even after that if we weren't tired of each other. It was rare when we didn't spend all weekend together.

When you're 21 everything seems such a blur.. Literally, you're out at the bar every weekend with your friends. You see them at 6pm Friday night to get ready and pre-drink, then you finally depart ways on Sunday night at 7pm only to finally go home and shower for work the next day. You saw those hoochies every weekend, unless you met that special someone you'd sit at home with, in which case your friends are mad because they want you out with them.

Then comes the age you had your baby a little too early in life.. Knocked up at 22 years old. Crap.... But it's life and there's a beautiful light at the end of that tunnel you think is so horrible.. But what you don't know is how many friends you will loose along the way. First set of friends will be the girls you can always count on the be the drunkest at the party. Ehhh, not mad, they were crazy anyway.. 2nd are the girls who you saw quiet often, I mean you actually felt a connection with them. Pretty good friends you'd say.. Now they're not the ones to jump out of your life because you wouldn't party.. No they're the ones who don't want to make an effort. The ones who don't want to drive 45 minutes to your house because it's not convenient for them. And the 3rd are the ones who you thought were your best friend, but obviously not anymore, whether its distance, jealousy, or just pure bitchiness; it doesn't matter anymore.. Honestly nothing really even matters once that baby comes.

You see, the 1st year of a babies life is tough to get out for hours, especially while learning to breast feed. And as the baby gets older it's way harder to keep them entertained out side of there home. Which is just crazy to me because as a friend, you'd think you'd want to help. You'd want to be there for that person who's your "best friend" as much as you can. But nope, all you care about was having a DD and someone to split drinks with. When my ex-best friends daughter was born I was over at her house almost everyday. Anything she needed, I was there. Whether it was to cuddle that sweet baby, help her move, help her with laundry, take the oldest child to school, whatever it was I wanted to be the go-to friend. I'm amazed at how I really didn't have that. I was left alone to do everything and I'm a stronger mother for it. I'm a strong person for going through half my pregnancy in a state where I didn't really know anyone, and then giving birth with family an hour+ away. I'm a bad ass in my eyes!!

So my message is to you, friend.. The one who is going through the journey of their best friend being pregnant.. HELP HER!! In anyway you can. I'm not saying pay her bills, I'm saying once that baby gets here, she will need lots of help around the house. She won't admit it, but she will. Right after the baby is born, she needs to bond with them. Not worry about getting the floor swept or dishes done. Be that person, be someone you'd want someone else to be to you.!

im still breathing

Thursday, August 14, 2014

= 12 months new | my 1st birthday =

I can't believe a year has already gone by. It feels like it went by too quick. Seems like yesterday it was 3am, I'm in tears, Jaxens 2 weeks old screaming, and Todd's snoring.. I don't miss those nights, but I do miss him being so new to me. For all you new mommys, when it's the middle if the night and your baby wakes up hungry or has a gas bubble, EMBRACE IT, just love on that baby. Because pretty soon he'll be sleeping in his crib across the hall sound asleep, and you'll be wide awake hoping he starts crying and needs you!! 

Weighing in at 23lbs and 31" long!! We have 5 teeth with more coming in! Singing, dancing, clapping, pinching, waving bye bye, saying daddy and out, howling like a puppy and starting on milk!! We can climb on laundry baskets, beds, chairs, couches, pretty much anything he can get his monkey hands on! He's so smart, dare devil, spunky, handsome, everything I dreamed he would be and so much more! I fall more in love every single day. 

And thank God for him. After losing my brother it was hard to be excited, but I had to be sane, for my sake and my unborn child. I never got the chance to grieve like my siblings did. I'm so distracted with Jaxen and that's a good thing. He fills a hole in my heart that I never thought could be filled. Jaxen really is my Heaven Sent, my Saving Grace, and I'm so happy he has an angel looking down on him. 

I love you so much Jaxen and I can't wait to watch you grow!

In case you didn't see, below is Jaxens Birthday video!! I absolutely loved making it :)

Monday, July 14, 2014

{11 months new}

Sooo sometimes I get a little side tracked. 1 more months (if you're lucky) of milestone posts and I almost forgot the 11month. Life of a busy mommy! 

My baby is weighing in at 22lbs and 31" long. WHOA BIG BABY!! Walking everywhere, climbing on the recliners, toys, baby gate.. just about what ever he can get on. Has 4 teeth and more coming, teething has been the death of me. I think we're having allergies. Runny nose all the time. Almost saying momma, waving bye bye, patting his mouth while yelling, able to swing his legs around and slide down off the bed and chairs. Waking up through the night still (once or twice a week).

I'm beyond ready for this tubby to start drinking milk. I wish I could of BF'ed more than 3 months but he is still perfect!

3 weeks till little man is 1.. my heart is full! Love you sweet boy.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

^ 10 months new ^

I can't begin to wrap my mind around Jaxen turning a year old in 2 short months. Just WOW!! I can't even talk about how much I love him with out tearing up. These dang hormones. I was never a crier before.

I've been starting to come up with ideas for his birthday, I'm just not sure which way I'd like to go with this! But here are some ideas...

Now to talk about my growing boy..

We have 3 teeth and another on the way! Two bottom and top left one. Weighing 22lbs and 30 1/2" long. WE ARE WALKING!! He has his moments of falling down, but for the most part he walks everywhere. Putting everything in our mouth. And I mean EVERYTHING. Some what sleeping through the night. But it's time to lower his crib, yet again. This baby just grows taller and taller. He climbs on his chair. Like he just climbs and climbs on it until it tips over. Little dare devil. Had his first trip in the pool when his sister was here. Also we had our first fever scare while she was here. Temperature wouldn't go down. So naturally I called my momma and she walked me through on ways to bring it down. The next morning he was doing so much better!! We are leaving for the beach June 19th and I couldn't be more excited! My babies first vacation away from daddy. 

Keep growing little one, you're doing amazing!
Mommy loves you.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

**9 months new**

Well 2 weeks after Jaxen turned 9 months we had his doctor appt.. Their office is always so busy, but it's ok because his Doctor is just amazing and I just love her!

This past month Jaxenhas been waking up maybe 4 times a week to eat in the middle of the night.. Making me one tired momma. Friends have suggested the cry out method, which hasn't worked since he'd just keep crying and crying and crying. So I'd give him a bottle and he'd go back to bed. Jaxen had me spoiled from 2 1/2 months with sleeping through out the night.. every. single. night. Now I just don't know what to do. So his doctor told me to stop the middle of the night feeding, just pat his back, rock him, or give him water. So tonight we will try it out! And we get to start giving him table food!

And now I have to brag on my baby!!

Weighing 21.2 lbs (71%) 29.75" long (90%) and 18" head (66%).. We are starting to WALK!!! Taking as many as 6 steps at a time. Pushing our walker all around the house. Saying "dada" all the time and mumbling "momma". Clapping all the time, starting to wave by, picking up handfuls of food and shoving it in his mouth (its quiet funny) Crying for mommy when dropping him off at daycare. Completely standing up on our own, I mean going from sitting on his bottom to standing up. Will try to jump off me when sitting on my lap. Laughing for mommy now and not just daddy. Knows the word "no" and thinks it's funny!

He's just so amazing, I couldn't have been blessed anymore!

I love you buddy!

He fell asleep in the middle of his doctor appt :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

[ 8 months new ]

Eeep! I'm a couple days late on my babies monthly milestone. But boy time sure flies by. I've recently taken up photography. Ever since doing Jaxens 6 month pictures, I LOVE it! It's a fun little hobby that I hope to pursue for a long time. I'm also getting into crafts! Mostly burlap, but I'm loving it too!

Moving on to my son...

8. Months. Already! Yes you read that right! Almost time to start planning his birthday! I'm not ready for it. But baby boy is 19lbs and still 29" long. But he's recently been wanting to eat at 4am!!! I'm not use to it anymore. He has his 2 BOTTOM TEETH! Oh my gosh! Crawling everywhere. He's super fast! Pulling up on anything and everything. Also becoming a dare devil and letting go for an average on 30 seconds. He'll get so excited he falls on his booty. Walking from one side of the living room to other with support. Jumping up and down working on those baby muscles! He's eating 3 baby foods a day, loves mango puffs, and strawberry yogurt! A complete cuddle monster and the cutest baby crawling around in a diaper. Oh and he's wearing size 3s now. You can stop growing now child!

You are loved far more than you know!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

DIY Spring Mason Jars

Super easy DIY for spring. Great thing about making crafts yourself is you can pick any colors you want.
I started going with Mason Jars from Hobby Lobby. They're %50 off which made them 1 whole $. You're welcome! And then got some acrylic paint.
Acrylic paint is water based so be carefully about washing your hands, then immediately touching your jars. I learned the hard way.
My handsome assistant here kept himself entertained while I finished my project!
It took about 2 to 3 coats, which you can wait an hour or so in between. Then before sanding down, I let them dry over night. You want to sand all over, especially the rim and words. Makes it pop a little more.
Add some flowers from Hobby Lobby that are also %50 off and you're done.
Happy Easter and hello Spring!

Monday, March 3, 2014

| 7 months new |

Well it's all down hill from here. And I mean that in a good way. 5 more months and you'll be 1. Oh. My. Gosh!! Unbelievable mixed emotions. I've been a mommy for 7 months and it's the most rewarding, unselfish, amazingiest experience of my life. It takes a lot to be a Mommy. To care for a little human being that had no way of communicating other than crying. Now I know I'm doing things right when I get laughs, or a big smile first thing in the morning! My son is amazing! 

Weighing in at 18lbs 29" long. Working on our 2nd foods, eating food 3 times a day, we are officially CRAWLING!! And crawling all over mommy and daddy, pulling up on everything, sitting up, can go from our belly to sitting up then back down to our knees, walk from one side of the couch to the other, our first word was "da-da",  standing by ourselves for 5 seconds, had our first cold the 2nd week at daycare, we love cuddling all the time, we crawl across the living room, laughing, babbling, smiling all day everyday, and being the best baby in the world! 

You tug my heart strings big boy. I love you!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

>6 months new<

Beyond excited about how big my baby boy is getting! He's growing into this perfect little human! I couldn't of asked for a better child.

Weighing in at 17lbs and 11oz, 28 1/2 inches long, and an average size head. Ate all of the 1st foods and getting ready to start on 2nd. Talking non stop with extra drooling, army crawling, and rolling everywhere. Reaching out for mommy and crying when I walk out of the room. Loves to cuddle more than anything. Sleeping 10 hours and started daycare. Most perfect child I could of EVER asked for!

You bless me everyday Jaxen. Mommy loves you!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

DIY chalk board

So I'm pretty excited about this post. I started the project Thursday and I'm finally done with the assistance of my parents! I have to give them credit because I did it at their house and my dad put it together. I'm helpless haha.

I have seen so many DIY projects and after chalk painting jaxens crib and frames (which I need to post) I ventured out to chalkboard paint. It's pretty simple.

I started with this dime piece of a painting 

I wanted something big so that way the kids could play with it to. It seriously comes up to hips. Not bad for a $10 thrift store purchase. Then I sought out chalk board paint.

$3.98 at Walmart... Not bad! 
Then I used some paint my parents had left over from their front door. In love with torquoise!!

Then I mixed the plaster of Paris in with the paint.

^^^^ $10 at Home Depot maybe?? Can't remember

Since I was at my parents my mom came up with this concoction so I wouldn't ruin any of her bowls. I'll post the chalk paint measurements in Jaxens crib post I promise!! 
After painting the frame my dad cut out some wood for me. I know a lot of people use the glass for the board but with a soon to be crawling baby I'm not too sure. Plus I accidentally stepped on the glass after outlining it. Fatty alert!! 

After super dad used his big ole electric saw, I spray painted the whole thing. Word to the wise, do it outside and not in the garage. Otherwise momma will get on to you. I sprayed that thing about 3 times and waited an hour after each time. The next day my dad stappled it in. Also you gotta prep it by rubbing chalk all over.

Then you're free to write what ever you want.

The lighting doesn't do her justice. The color is way brighter!

I spent like $14 all together. These things run like $50 on Etsy and I'm not down to pay that much! I hope this post has inspired you to bring out your inner creativity! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

.: 5 months new :.

 Here we are again. Another month older and so is Mommy. We are creeping up on your 1/2 birthday and I'm beyond excited!! You get more handsome everyday, I swear!!

We are weighing in at 17 pounds and 27" long!! Big growth spurt from last month! We aren't sitting up very well but super vocal! Laughing and talking to mommy and daddy all the time! We have tried rice, carrots, and peas. None of them are his favorite, but we're getting the spoon thing down. We loved our first Christmas and New Years together! Still in size 2 diapers. Scooting around, but not qute crawling. Love to cuddle with mommy. Sleeping 11 hours but this past week we've been getting up at 5am for feedings. As soon as I lay him down for bed, he rolls to his side. And when I go to wake him, he's on his belly. Just like momma:) 

All in all Jaxen you are a perfect baby. There is no doubt in my mind you were choosen for me!! I love you so much!