So I think I've written this post about 5 times in the past 3 weeks and it keeps disappearing or my pregnancy brain isn't saving it. But either way the show must go on!
The last time I had a moment to catch my breath I was 15 weeks pregnant!! Now I am at 29! Holy almost 10 weeks left. I am just mind boggled how quickly this pregnancy is moving. It was like one day I am pushing my stomach out to see what I'm going to look like, and then the next I can't see my feet! But as I'm sure all of you may know, we are having a boy. A BOYYYYY!! How ironic that after 1 1/2 months after my brothers passing we are being blessed by a little boy! His middle name will be after my brothers first.
Jaxen Robert Godley
I am just simply amazed by God and the way he has my life planned out! Also we moved back to Oklahoma! Texas was great but Oklahoma is home.
Since being gone in Texas and getting pregnant, I have found how different people treat you. As far as returning calls, texts, hanging out. It's a very emotional and humbling experience weeding out your friends. But it is what it is. I am happy to say that I've found my true friends who stick by my side! My sweet best friend Taylar and Whitney are throwing me a baby shower in June. As soon as I told them I was pregnant they insisted on it and for that I'm thankful! My bubbly friend Kat who's my maternity photographer is throwing my work shower as well. What gems of friends I have to put my plans in front of there's. I am happy to have friends that understood how limited my time was when I'd come to visit Oklahoma that they still want to come to my shower. My softball girls being amazing and having dinner with me and coming to my Gender Party. It's beyond blessing. But for those who stopped being my friend just because a few miles got in the way, thank you for showing your true colors and showing me what I'm NOT missing.
Anyways.... I have to brag a little on my pregnancy since I'm already here. 80% of this pregnancy has been awesome! Morning sickness only struck twice, some nausea, little weight gain, and every other day energy. When I really think about how good I have it, it makes me wonder how I won't be so lucky with birth or getting pregnant with my 2nd child in 5 years. But we will cross that bridge when it gets here. For now I'm going to embrace this glorious last trimester and try to get sleep. Oh that's the other 20% Not being able to sleep at night. Can't get comfortable is getting annoying. So is getting up 4 times in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Awesome right?!!
Well here's to the next 10 weeks in hopes they fly by like these past 30 weeks!! I can't wait to meet the one who is my light in the darkness! And for those who have missed it, below us a recap of my heaven sent!
16 weeks
17 weeks
18 weeks
19 weeks
20 weeks
21 weeks
22 weeks
23 weeks
24 weeks
25 weeks
26 weeks
27 weeks
28 weeks
29 weeks
Thanks for the support everyone.
im still breathing
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